Journey Integration

To bring your journey back home

To ground your journeying and take forward its message with wisdom and clarity 

With the increase in people taking psychoactive medicine or exploring altered states of consciousness through breathwork, there is a deeper need for proper integration afterwards. Most people need space to understand the journey after having experienced an intensive process. 

When we move into altered states, trying to ground and make sense of the experience afterwards can be overwhelming. When the unconscious or transpersonal is brought into awareness it can feel difficult to understand the depth of what has just happened.

Proper therapeutic integration is a way to ground after these sessions, and to find the space to process, integrate and regroup, embodying what the experience offered and really be able to make the powerful shifts needed in order to make the most of your journey. I provide a safe and welcoming integration processing space where you are able to unpack the experience, without losing the impact that it has made on your personal growth or healing.

These sessions take place online and in Tunbridge Wells Kent or you can apply to join an integration group.

An orange organic circle representing leadership coaching and dynamic coaching and psychedelic integration
An orange organic circle representing leadership coaching and dynamic coaching and psychedelic integration

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