Inner work for collective change

Join us for a FREE online community breathwork session. This is a space for deeper growth, healing and re-patterning
Next Session:
Saturday, 1st March 2025 - 8am GMT
    A commitment to yourself, your life, your soul, your breath and the world around you.

    This monthly online Conscious Connected Breathwork is being offered to you free.

    Conscious Connected Breathwork is a potent medicine, where we work in an expanded state. We work on the somatic, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual plains.

    I believe that all of us can have a deeper awareness of ourselves, our journeys and our bodies and this is the work I offer in a group setting. Conscious Connected Breathwork is a breathwork modality that provides deep healing and allows us to explore altered states of consciousness.

    In one hour, we will...  

    Work deeply with your body and breathe

    Particpate in a full conscious connected breathwork session

    Have space to share in a group

    Be part of a community

    A man walking through a lush green forest. Lots of moss and tree roots.
    A portrait image of Deborah Maloney-Marsden in a whote jumper sitting in front of a large bookcase. Deborah is an expert in counselling and psychotherapy, treatment for addiction, overcoming trauma and has a psychotherapy practice in London and Tunbridge Wells.

    This community space is offered to you by Deborah.

    I am first and foremost present with the emergent, the whole person and the collective. I have been practising as a Transpersonal Psychotherapist for over a decade and am also a leadership coach, group facilitator, supervisor of others practice, somatic coach and breathwork facilitator.

    I believe we have to make space for all of the things, we need to allow space for our hopes, our fears, our joys and our pains. I am passionate about providing group spaces to facilitate shifts happening in humanity.

    Often by denying one, we deny them all...  

    Join us for a FREE session
    Saturday, 1st March 2025 - 8am GMT