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Welcome to The Path Home

A unique process where you will explore the deepest parts of yourself, your body, your life journey and your soul. So you can begin to truly embody the essence of you and connect with your deeper purpose.

The Path Home is for you if you know that there is a home in you that you are not fully occupying
A man walking through a lush green forest. Lots of moss and tree roots.
A drone shot of a winding road through the mountains at sunset.
The Path Home is for you if you feel stuck, you have done Inner work, you may be in therapy but there is something that is not moving.
The Path Home is for you if you want deeper connection to yourself, your life and your body
A stunning picture of a man on a cliff looking forward over a ravine to the mountians opposite at sunset. lots of low cloud fill the ravine
a high shot in the desert of roads weaving together and coming to a crossroads
The Path Home is for you if you are ready to discover the secret to finding your flow
no matter what has happened to us we all deserve to feel free of our limiting beliefs

The Path Home is for you if you are ready to expand to your fullest self and find your flow.

I have a deep belief that we can ALL feel really good, in flow and whole. That we can move through life present, congruent AND that we can be seen. That no matter what has happened to us we all deserve to feel free of our limiting beliefs and to be exactly who we are meant to be in this life. This one life that we get. I believe that we are all here to be conscious, conscious of our choices and clear about our purpose.

Over and over again I see truly amazing people trapped in their shame, their fear, their pasts, their stories. Hiding who they really truly are or playing it small.

Over and over again I see the same pattern where there is at least one area of life where we cannot show up fully, or authentically, and are either stuck in the same cycle or simply STUCK. It shows up everywhere; in our careers, with our body, our family, our relationships, our addictions. Just when we think we are over it - it pops up again somewhere else.

January 2025 cohort application open
The process outline
6 month's of live teachings & conscious community. We blend eastern and western philosophy. This is a space dedicated to expand your self awareness and harness your power. The Path Home guides you home to yourself.
  • 6 live teachings to connect you to each part of your life's journey
  • 6 live Conscious connected breathwork sessions
  • 6 depth integration sessions
  • The Path Home resources on somatic, psychology and transpersonal work
  • 6 Months working together in community.
NOTE: This course is a powerful journey inwards and while it has a deep connection to psychotherapeutic work, it is not therapy. You will have needed to have done in person breathwork before embarking on this course.

VIP option available which includes 90 minute 1-2-1 sessions with Debora

The Path Home is for you if you are ready to truly meet yourself and shed the layers that keep you stuck.

So you try psychotherapy, you try meditation, all of which is great! You start to notice patterns and get loads of stuff done. Things make sense. You relate, you grow, BUT… in your nervous system, in your tissue, in your life, there is still this feeling, these patterns, this restricted flow.

This is because we have to get to the root of it - mind body and soul. After more then 15,000 hours of working 1-2-1 with so many beautiful humans, I have seen time and time again that we have to get to the root cause. That we have to get to the very core, and that this is the part we need to see and witness and pull out. Understanding it mentally is NOT enough, we need to understand its journey somatically and spiritually as well.

So talking therapy is rarely enough as we need to include the body and the transpersonal element. The Path Home does this. It follows a clear structure with deep somatic work, but also includes the integration. It has taken me years to develop this process and hone it into one direct path, one programme and one incredibly powerful structure that is designed to get to the root; The Path Home. This is how we truly get unstuck and remove so many of our limiting layers.

Along this path, I want to show you how to make yourself a home. A home that is full of love, connection, truth, understanding, compassion and strength. A home that flows freely and nourishes you, that pushes you to your edges safely and respectfully. A safe base for you to openly and fully explore the world.

January 2025 cohort application open
You will be guided through your journey in life so far, from incarnation, through the womb all the way to the present and beyond.

The Path Home is for you if you are ready to go deeper.

If you have already done some therapy or inner work, but you are stuck, or you need more depth. You need to understand your journey more deeply -  mind body soul - so you can move forward.

You will be guided through your journey in life so far, from incarnation, through the womb all the way to the present and beyond. We will meet our inner children, our shadow, all parts of ourselves, the parts we inherited, the parts that have protected us. We will connect to our higher self, to spirit. We will work deeply through the body and the psyche to allow for integration and feelings of wholeness to arise.

I have designed this course as a culmination of my life’s work both personally, as I worked my way through complex trauma, and professionally through my 15 years working as a psychotherapist. What I have found from all of those years working with clients is that if we do not work from the perspective of the WHOLE story AND the story of your body, we cannot be free enough from what has happened to us. We will fall back into our story again and again and again.

That is because the process of understanding HAS to include your body, it HAS to include the entire journey of the holding in your body. We HAVE to include our entire journey from a deep connected MIND BODY SOUL perspective.

We need a deep structure to work with and this is why I have created this process for you. We need to know where we are in our healing journey and be in charge of our story. We need to be able to find safety in the body while we are journeying back and healing. This very deliberate six month process is designed to give you the depth and insight to take with you into the rest of your life.

We will work our way through the following:
  • Development Of Self
  • Body Structure
  • Re-Root Embodiment
  • Incarnation
  • Birth
  • Early Childhood Emotional Devleopment
  • Attachment Style
  • Relational Trauma
  • Ego Development
  • Shame
  • Wounding Of The Heart
  • Words That We Couldn’t Say
  • Who We Had To Become
  • Sexuality
  • Intuition
  • Trauma To Our Intuitive Self
  • What We Could See
  • Spiritual Connection
  • The World At Large And Our Place In It
Payment Options
Per month x 6
Full access to all course content
Access to all live sessions
6 live Breathwork sessions
6 live Monthly Teachings
6 live integration groups
30 min 121 with Debora
Full Payment
Full access to all course content
Access to all live sessions
6 live Breathwork sessions
6 live Monthly Teachings
6 live integration groups
30 min 121 with Debora